What to do when ....

This blog was originally published as a post on my Instagram account @NadiazArtistry and can be accessed at this link.
What to do when:
The paint strokes dont go
And the words don't flow
How am I to produce works of art AND words of art?
Something thought provoking
Something more than skin deep
Something self invoking
Something that isn't mainstream
I'm forever stuck in the ebb and flow of eureka
moments and despondency over failure
But then I tell myself,
I didn't start doing this because it was easy,
I started doing this because it wasn't.
Because it was needed.
Because art needs to speak.
It needs to intrigue.
And it needs to pull the strings of the heart.
I've taken a path less chosen but a path completely
Just for those few eureka moments. And also for the
love and appreciation I receive from you guys I
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